Last May, Waggies’ own Mary Ann Nolan rappelled down a 17-story building in Wilmington to benefit Special Olympics Delaware. This year, Christine Rockwell will take to the ropes!
On May 10, she’ll again raise funds for SODE in the 2012 “Over the Edge” event. Once again, the Brandywine Building sets the stage for brave souls with strong senses of adventure and community.
Join us on May 10 at 11:20AM to cheer Christine on! That’s when she will start the 17-story decent of 300 Delaware Ave. Our Waggies bakers will be there, and you can join in the fun (on the ground, of course!)
Also, please consider a donation to Christine’s campaign for Special Olympics Delaware. This organization means a lot to our bakers, and all of us at Waggies are excited to support Christine and Special Olympics on the 10th.